Stranger Things is a powerful beast. The wildly popular Netflix show has already made classic songs like Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" and Metallica's "Master of Puppets" into viral hits this year, and now it's looking like Ghost might be the next band to catch a ride on the hype wave. Except unlike the aforementioned songs that are actually used in the soundtrack of the show itself, Ghost's "Mary on a Cross" was used by a Stranger Things fan to score a popular TikTok edit they made compiling scenes of the characters Will and Mike.
The video currently has a whopping 701 thousand "likes" on the app, which isn't all that surprising considering the feral fanaticism of Stranger Things. What is surprising is that "Mary on a Cross" — a Ghost deep cut that appeared on their 2019 Seven Inches of Satanic Panic EP, and wasn't previously considered a quintessential Ghost track — has clearly received a huge spike in listens.
Currently, it's the occult-rock band's most frequently played song on their Spotify profile, and there're over 30 thousand TikTok videos that use the song as its soundtrack. We'll see if it actually ends up becoming as popular as "Master of Puppets," but right now, Ghost are on their way to TikTok fame and surely have a whole new subset of listeners who found them through the Gen Z-focused app. Pretty fucking wild.
See the TikTok that started it all below.